Research methods

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Particles of tobacco mosaic virus stained with ammonium molybdate and icecream sugar - trehalose. Each particle is a 200 nm long rod with 18 nm diameter. The diameter of normal human hair is 100 000 nm for comparison.
Image have been recorded using FEI Morgagni 268D microscope and Olympus camera.

Agroinfiltration is a simple, low cost yet robust method to test gene constructs, deliver plant viruses or overexpress protein in plant tissue. Agrobacterium harboring the genetic construct is grown in liquid media with selection antibiotics and then infiltrated into the leaves of experimental plant either by syringe or using a vacuum pump.
Starting approximately two days later (simple expression constructs) up to several weeks after the infiltration (autonomous plant viruses) the effects and the corrects function of the gene construct can be analyzed. On the left is a composite fluorescent image showing leaf infiltrated with geminiviral replication vectors expressing GFP and DsRed. The relative intesity is strongly dependent on the topology of the vector.