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Research areas of the laboratory 

Understanding and management of plant viral diseases

  • Study of molecular properties of plant viruses by immunological and molecular biological methods

  • Genome mapping of plant viruses, viral isolates and phylogenetic analysis

  • Preparation of polyclonal antibodies against recombinant viral structural and nonstructural proteins for investigation of virus life-cycle

  • Virus detection using antibodies- and/or DNA/RNA-based methods (LAMP, RT-LAMP, PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR)

Biotechnological utilization of plant viruses

  • Design of plant viral vectors based on several RNA and DNA plant viruses

  • Adaptation of plant viral vectors to GoldenBraid cloning system

  • Transient expression of heterologous proteins in plants using vectors derived from plant viruses

  • Peptide/epitope display on the surface of virus particles (electron microscopy)

Metabolic engineering of plant cells

  • Development of platform for expression and accumulation of authentic human glycoproteins such as antibodies in plants

  • Plant genome editing (Crispr, RNAi)

  • Protein expression using plant tissue cultures

Influence of abiotic stress on plant virus infection

  • Analysis of virus infection upon heat, drought and cold treatment of plants

+420 603 307 178

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